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Recipe of the Week 9.21.15

As much as I love summer, I am excited for pumpkin season!

Be prepared to see lots of pumpkin recipes on my blog coming up!

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 5-7 minutes


1/2 cup dry oats

1 cup skim milk (or almond milk- less protein)

1/2 cup pumpkin puree

2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

1 tsp cinnamon

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

1 tbsp maple syrup


1) Add milk to the pot and bring to a boil.

2) Add the oats and cook for 5 minutes.

3) Stir in pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, and cinnamon and then remove from heat.

4) Pour in a bowl and top with pumkin seeds and maple syrup.

5) Feel free to add a little more pumpkin spice on top for more flavor!

This is a very nutrient dense and delicious meal. Check out my instragram for my pumpkin smoothie recipe!


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